It's been a long time coming, but libnotify 0.4.5 and notification-daemon 0.4.0 are finally released! These are important bug fix releases, and notification-daemon also introduces a number of new features, such as a control panel and multi-head support.
Release Notes:
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
New versions of libnotify and notification-daemon have been released. These releases contain important bug fixes and memory leak fixes and everybody should upgrade.
notification-daemon now looks better on systems running a compositing manager (such as Compiz or Beryl). The notification is now semi-transparent, but not so transparent that it makes it hard to read the notification. It's a nice, subtle touch.
Release Notes:
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
New libnotify, notification-daemon and notify-python releases have been uploaded, offering many new features and bug fixes. Everybody should upgrade to these releases.
Release Notes:
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
libgalago 0.5.2, galago-daemon 0.5.1, and gaim-galago 0.5.1 have been released.
libgalago features new asynchronous query functions, as well as several important bug fixes. This version is highly recommended.
galago-daemon 0.5.1 fixes some assertions and memory leaks.
gaim-galago 0.5.1 fixes a bug in idle time reporting, and adds a new German translation.
Release Notes:
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
Due to a bug discovered in the 0.4.1 release, I decided to put out a 0.4.2. This adds a G_BEGIN_DECLs and G_END_DECLS to notify.h, so that C++ applications can use libnotify.
Release Notes:
- Add G_BEGIN_DECLS and G_END_DECLS to notify.h, so that libnotify can be used in C++ applications properly.
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
libnotify 0.4.1 has just been released. New in this release is support for GtkStatusIcon (when compiled against GTK+ 2.9.2 or higher), API documentation (accessible through devhelp), and several bug fixes.
Release Notes:
- Added support for attaching to a GtkStatusIcon. Patch by chpe. (Bug #60)
- Added GObject properties to NotifyNotification. Patch by chpe. (Bug #60)
- Added API documentation, accessible through devhelp.
- Fixed up libnotify.pc to support dependencies correctly. (Bug #58)
- Fixed notify_uninit() to properly set _initted to FALSE after being called. (Bug #56)
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
libgalago 0.5.1 has been released. This is mainly a very small maintenance release that fixes a memory leak and adds a German translation. The biggest change, though, is that we've moved from Doxygen to gtk-doc for the documentation. That means if you pass --with-gtk-doc to configure, you should have documentation appear in devhelp.
Release Notes:
- Moved to gtk-doc for the documentation. It should now be compatible with devhelp.
- Fixed a memory leak in connection registration. Patch by Ross Burton.
- Added a German translation from Andreas Kohn (Bug #48)
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
libnotify 0.4.0 and notification-daemon 0.3.5 have just been released. These contain a number of bug fixes and some feature enhancements. Most of the annoyances people have had are now taken care of.
Along with this release is the first release of official python bindings. notify-python 0.1.0 is up. All those people rolling their own bindings should start migrating over to this. Please report any bugs you find.
One important thing to note is that notification-daemon 0.3.5 does not ship with a working Bubble theme. This theme has been the source of numerous bugs, and until some changes can be made, it's best that we simply leave it out. It may return in an upcoming version, though, once it gets the appropriate attention.
Release Notes:
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
It's been a long time since the last release, and a lot of work has been done during that time. Finally, after about 9 months, the new 0.5.0 releases of the Galago components are out! There have been a number of API changes made, stability improvements, memory leak fixes, Python bindings, a move to glib for libgalago, and on and on. There are so many changes that I can't list them all in this post. See the release note links below.
There was a casualty in this release. gnome-presence-applet has not been fully upgraded to work with the new releases. It is my intention that this applet will be either scrapped or rewritten to actually be useful to more people. Also, in time, there will be Deskbar support, so there's something to look forward to.
I want to thank Jorn Baayen and Ross Burton for all their contributions in the forms of bug reports, patches, and discussions, and Ricardo Kekki for his documentation contributions. I also want to thank the various people with whom I have bounced ideas around, those who have submitted bug reports, and everyone else for just being patient during this very long development cycle.
Release Notes:
- libgalago 0.5.0
- galago-daemon 0.5.0
- libgalago-gtk 0.5.0
- eds-feed 0.5.0
- gaim-galago 0.5.0
- galago-gtk-sharp 0.5.0
- galago-sharp 0.5.0
- galago-python 0.5.0
- galago-gtk-python 0.5.0
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)
Notification-daemon v0.3.4 has just been released. This features some bug fixes and a number of stylistic improvements to the standard theme, as you can see:

- Added a Close button to notifications. This closed ticket #8. Thanks to Michael Vogt for the basis of this patch.
- Fixed a few bugs (including crashes) involving the freeing of memory when notifications and theme enginers are destroyed.
- Fixed the theme engines to be installed as unversioned libraries. Thanks to Rodney Dawes for this patch.
- Fixed a bug where the notification window was not realized, causing a crash. This fixes bug #10.
- Fixed a crash in the Bubble theme when clicking an action.
- Fixed action ordering in the Bubble theme.
- Made the destroy_notification, show_notification, hide_notification, and set_notification_hints theme engine functions optional.
- Added set_notification_timeout and notification_tick theme engine functions.
- Made several improvements to the Standard theme:
- The left-hand color stripe has been made smaller and now reflects the urgency level set.
- Added a pie-based countdown timer for notifications containing actions. This allows the user to see how long they have to react to a notification.
- Converted the action links into buttons. These are now left-aligned and make a reasonable attempt to find an appropriate stock icon.
- Allow the notification to be very short when no icons, body text or actions are specified.
Posted by chipx86 | Comments (0)