notification-daemon v0.3.4 released
February 05, 2006 at 04:37 AM
Notification-daemon v0.3.4 has just been released. This features some bug fixes and a number of stylistic improvements to the standard theme, as you can see:

- Added a Close button to notifications. This closed ticket #8. Thanks to Michael Vogt for the basis of this patch.
- Fixed a few bugs (including crashes) involving the freeing of memory when notifications and theme enginers are destroyed.
- Fixed the theme engines to be installed as unversioned libraries. Thanks to Rodney Dawes for this patch.
- Fixed a bug where the notification window was not realized, causing a crash. This fixes bug #10.
- Fixed a crash in the Bubble theme when clicking an action.
- Fixed action ordering in the Bubble theme.
- Made the destroy_notification, show_notification, hide_notification, and set_notification_hints theme engine functions optional.
- Added set_notification_timeout and notification_tick theme engine functions.
- Made several improvements to the Standard theme:
- The left-hand color stripe has been made smaller and now reflects the urgency level set.
- Added a pie-based countdown timer for notifications containing actions. This allows the user to see how long they have to react to a notification.
- Converted the action links into buttons. These are now left-aligned and make a reasonable attempt to find an appropriate stock icon.
- Allow the notification to be very short when no icons, body text or actions are specified.
Posted by chipx86